This week we are learning about Victorian era and Steampunk art. Steampunk art was originally from the Victorian era. Steampunk art is a mix of modern and old technology such as gear, clocks and some other steampunk stuffs. Our first activity before making DLO is to draw something that is connected to steampunk, I draw a reindeer that has a gear on it, you can do any animal and just make it like its made out of metal. For this activity I work with Jericho, we work collaboratively to do this activity. There are lots of young people working that time, one of the easiest job that they can do is the trapper it is the easiest job for young people they just open and close the door so there is a fresh air coming in the mine, but there is one negative thing about this job, it is going to be boring if you open and close the door everyday.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018
P.B.S Athletics Day
Today is our athletics day, there are lots of sports that we did. There are 9 station(Activity) we start at Frisbee, we just need to throw the Frisbee in to the hoop. My team is yellow, we have teamwork and we listen to our leader, unfortunately we came 2nd to the A group. Thank you to the Tamaki College student that help to make this event successfully and I also thank Mr. Ogilvie for planning and making this event for us students. It was so much fun and challenging for our whole group, but we did a pretty good job.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Read Theory Progress
Today for reading we are checking our progress on read theory to see our improvement on our reading. My progress for this year is good and I think I improve a lot than last year. My grade is good it is grade 7 to grade 8, I will do my best to get grade 9 or 10 and my goal is not to go down to grade 6.
Friday, November 16, 2018
P.B.S Book Week - Reading Pathway
This week is book week challenge, different classes around our school are doing different activities based on Book Week. In Learning Space 2 our activities was to make a DLO showing our favourite book from our childhood to Now. My favourite book now is Amulet, it has interesting story, lots of mysteries and adventures.
All About Meerkats - Book Week Challenge
Book Week Challenge - Wolves - Emily Gravett
Today as part of Book Week Mrs Anderson has set another Book Week task for us. First we read one of Emily Gravett's books called Wolves. Everyone enjoyed the book and had a laugh. After reading the book we were to make a DLO based on wolves. We were to make a table: One side which had what we think about wolves and the other side saying what is true about wolves. For example if the myth was Wolves and dogs are related we were to search up if it was true or not and tell why. I really had a fun time doing this.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Do Illustration Matter Why?
This week is our book week, today our activities is to make an analysis to the questions that we answer. The question I choose is Do Illustration matter? My opinion is, illustration is really good because it helps the reader imagine the story and it draws the picture in the readers mind.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
World War 1 - Main Disease
This was my second activity. I chose to research about what are the main diseases that happened in World War 1. I learnt that more than 2 million people died of disease and I think it is a very huge amount of people. For this task I worked with Miki.
WW1 Armistice Day - Popular food during WW1
Today for learning we made a DLO that shows a one of the idea that we want to know. I learnt that Maconochie's meat stew and hard biscuit can keep the freshness for long time. We chose to search about What was the popular food in during World War 1. For this task I worked with Miki.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Venn Diagram - Our Favourite Books
Today I have created a Venn Diagram with Marieta. This Venn diagram shows two different books which is Amulet 1 and Scooby Doo and in the middle shows that comparison the books have in common. I realised that they both are a fiction story.
3 genre of books we would never read.
Today Nyjah and I have made a DLO on three types of books we would never read... Although we had to give a explanation of why we wouldn't. In the end we decided on Science fiction, Drama and cook books.
Book Week Challenge - New Cover For Our Favourite Book
This week is the Book Week. Today I and my partner Miki made a DLO that shows our new design for favourite book. It was quite hard to find the design because i want a very interesting background.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Armistice Commemoration
Today we commemorate armistice day. WW1 was a tragic war, there are many young soldier that died in the war. That is the reason we commemorate and respect armistice day. One of the soldier from the Defence force of New Zealand come to our school and talk about what is it to be in army and in the war. We use put a poppy in the cross to show respect to the soldier died in WW1. In our school we have are own commemoration for armistice day, we have a minute of silence to think about those soldier that risk their lives for our country. One of our teacher Ms Kirkpatrick, read a poem "In Flander's Field".
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Armistice Day
This term for Inquiry we were learning about World War 1. Today we made a DLO that shows a collage of the Armistice Day. The Armistice day is the end of the world war 1 which was in 1918. The reason we are learning about World War 1 is that this year is the 100 years of the Armistice day. I worked with Miki to complete this task.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Collaborative Comprehension - Battle of the Somme
Today for reading we are learning about the Battle of the Somme. For this activity I work with Mataio, we work collaboratively and help each other. I learnt that the war last 4 months and I learnt that the word catastrophic means hectic or crazy. The Battle of the Somme, it was a battle between British and German but it started between French and German. French soldier order British army to help them beat German soldiers, but at the first day of the war many young British soldier die. The most challenging question for me was 'Explain in your own words what the British plan was?' because I need to make my own opinion.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Reading - Poem (Did I Miss Anything?)
Did I Miss Anything?
Question frequently asked by students after missing a class
Nothing. When we realised you weren’t here
we sat with our hands folded on our desks
in silence, for the full two hours
Everything. I gave an exam worth
40 percent of the grade for this term
and assigned some reading due today
on which I’m about to hand out a quiz
worth 50 percent
Nothing. None of the content of this course
has value or meaning
Take as many days off as you like:
any activities we undertake as a class
I assure you will not matter either to you or me
and are without purpose
Everything. A few minutes after we began the last time
a shaft of light descended and an angel
or other heavenly being appeared
and revealed to us what each woman or man must do
to attain divine wisdom in this life and the hereafter
This is the last time the class will meet
before we disperse to bring this good news to all people
on earth
Nothing. When you are not present
how could something significant occur?
Everything. Contained in this classroom
is a microcosm of human existence
assembled for you to query and examine and ponder
This is not the only place such an opportunity has been
but it was one place
And you weren’t here
(Tom Wayman)
There are two ‘voices’ in the poem.
Who do you think it talking in the Nothing verses?
I think Nothing will be the Students.
Who do you think is talking in the Everything verses?
I think Everything will be a Teacher.
Choose 5 interesting words from this poem and explain what they mean.
- Revealed - Revealed means that unknown or secret information.
- Disperse - Disperse means that something is spretting out.
- Significant - Having a particular meaning
- Microcosm - Microcosm means a small group.
- Existence - Existence means that something that exist or alive.
Take ONE of the verses in the poem and illustrate it.
Verse one - 
Find out 5 facts about the poet Tom Wayman.
- He was born in 13th of August 1945 at Hawkesbury, Canada.
- He has published 21 poetry.
- He wrote a first poetry in 1973. (When he was 28 years old)
- Wayman’s father was Pulp Mill chemist
- He has written Poetry, Novels, Short Fiction, Anthologies and Criticism.
For reading we read the poem about Did I Miss Anything? I learnt that this poem has written by Tom Wayman. I had fun doing this activity because question were quite hard and I need to illustrate the verse. For this learning I worked with Miki.
The Lost Ship - 5 - 7 - 10
The Lost Ship
Did you know that every year there are 10,000 ship that get sunk
in the ocean? Well it is true, there are lots of lost ship that get
submerged in the ocean and are never found.
Titanic is one of the largest and famous ship that got submerged
in the ocean. It is really old it is almost 100 years old.
Titanic sunk down in the ocean at 2:20 am on April 15 1912,
it carried over 2,200 passenger and crew members.
Many people lost their lives, it was over 1,503 and some survive,
the first lifeboat to live the titanic carried only 28 people but it could
hold 68 people. If you explore our ocean there are lots of things that
you can find like: Lost cities, lost statue and lost ships.
in the ocean? Well it is true, there are lots of lost ship that get
submerged in the ocean and are never found.
Titanic is one of the largest and famous ship that got submerged
in the ocean. It is really old it is almost 100 years old.
Titanic sunk down in the ocean at 2:20 am on April 15 1912,
it carried over 2,200 passenger and crew members.
Many people lost their lives, it was over 1,503 and some survive,
the first lifeboat to live the titanic carried only 28 people but it could
hold 68 people. If you explore our ocean there are lots of things that
you can find like: Lost cities, lost statue and lost ships.
Today for writing we are doing 5 - 7 - 10, this time we can pick any photo we want. I chose the lost ship, because I have lots of knowledge about lost stuff under our ocean. My story is based on true facts, everything is real in my story.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Emotive Words
Today for reading we are learning about Emotive words, emotive words explain the emotion of the writer. There are different kind of emotive words, It is positive and negative words. One of the Positive word is caring, caring is really positive value and one of negative is Agonise, agonise means being anxious that why it is negative.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Tech Reflection - Art
Today for tech we are now putting our design to our wood block and carving it next. My design is all about my culture which is about Philippine I put lots of cultural pattern to my design to show my culture. It was really fun and now I am close to carving which is hard but fun.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Maths Problem - Radius and Diameter
Today we played the Radius and Diameter game on Khad Academy and we were to make a DLO with three of the problems and explain how we solved the three questions. For one of the questions it says: If the radius is 7.5 what is the diameter. This was pretty easy because all you had to do was times 7.5 by 2. The answer was 15. There were 2 others that we explained in our DLO. If you don't know what the radius and the diameter is well the radius is half the circle and the diameter is times the radius.
Maths Game
Today for maths we played a game which was for people who have finished their work. This game was called Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals. This game was pretty easy because all you had to do was convert the fractions into decimals. If you got the right answer your puppy would move forward. This was a race so I tried my best to get all answers right.
Radius, Circumference, Pi and Diameter
Today for Math we are learning how to find the radius and the diameter of a circle. It is easy radius is half of the circle from the centre and the diameter is the half of the circle, r x 2 = d (Radius x 2 = Diameter).
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Informal to Formal Letters
Today for reading we are learning how to change an informal letters to formal. The yellow one is the informal, because it use 'took forever'. The blue one is formal I remove the 'took forever' and replacing it with 'service is quite slow'. Changing informal letters to formal is very easy, you just need to change some words to make it really formal.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Niuean Language Week
This week is the Niuean Language Week. Today I made a DLO that shows name of the fruits and name of the Animals into Niuean Language. I think this DLO helps to learn some Niuean Language. For this activity I worked with Miki. Click the words that you want to listen so you will know how to say it the sounds.
Tech Reflection

Kiwi Can

Today for Kiwi can we are learning about respecting our school, teacher and other students. What are rules in our school? No phone aloud, No lollies, Only water. Why do we have rules? we have rules so we can make our school better, cleaner and safer. Our Care Values in our school, Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Excellence and Innovation. Should we drink fizzy drink at school? No, because it is a policy that we should obey. Should we have rules at our School? Yes we should, because it will make our school safer and better.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
National Shakeout Day
Today is the 2018 October the 18th which is a National Shakeout Day. We learnt that if the Earthquake comes we need to do three simple step which is Drop, Cover and Hold. For this activity I worked with Miki and Reneir. One of the thing that I learnt was first Shakeout day was on the 2012 October the 18th. I think it is very important to know what we need to do when the earthquake comes.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Narrative Poem
Today for reading we are learning about Narrative poem at the start we read a narrative poem that was written by Pam Ayers, she is a famous poem writer, song writer and also a comedian. Narrative poem is a story about someone or the narrator. Some narrative poem is only a joke and it shouldn't take it personal.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Formal and Informal Letters
Today for reading we are learning about formal and informal letters. The first one is formal because it uses, 'I am writing to complain' it is very formal to use it and it also uses 'a great deal of litter' instead of 'loads of rubbish'. The second one is informal because it is talking to a friend and it use words like, 'dead busy' and to 'get ready', 'dead busy' is informal language that what it makes the second one informal letter. You can identify if its informal or formal by looking to the language it uses in the letter or text message. You can use informal language if your talking to your friends or family also you can use formal language if you are talking to your teacher, boss and workmates.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Willow - Shot Types
This week we're learning about shot types. First we find examples of a picture that is not in the movie, Secondly we find type of shot that is in the movie. The Movie that we watch is called the Willow the story is about a dwarf that save a baby princess from the evil queen. The movie is really great and it was so fun watching dwarfs.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Order of Operation
Today for maths we were learning about BEDMAS or also called Order Of Operation. The first thing you need to do is bracket solve what is inside of the bracket before doing anything. Then secondly do exponents, exponents is like this 2². Then do Division or Multiplication and lastly do addition or subtraction. I learned a lot and nwo I know how to solve BEDMAS.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Reading - Labelling
Today for reading Ponui and my group work together to label some pages of the book called the Man made World. We choose the last page to label because there are lots of labels at the back and there is a Glossary. The book is about maps and information about country's. Also there are lots of illustration like a globe and there is also a map of the whole world at the back of the page.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Spaghetti Bridges
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Duffy Assembly - Michel Mulipola
Today was our Duffy assembly, our speaker is Michel Mulipola he is an Illustrator for comic books. He is a really cool guy he is a semi professional gamer and a professional wrestler. He like green lantern and he say that green lantern and him is the same because green lantern is unique and has power ring, he said that "My power ring is my pen or pencil because I can do what ever I want" It was a very interesting Duffy assembly and it was really fun. He also wrote book, like School Journal, Breathless, Frogs and the Headlock which is about wrestling. He also like playing Tekken he is the #12 on the best for playing Tekken, he also said that Fortnite is rubbish, and everyone agree to it. He also Illustrate the WWE comic book and he has lots of famous friend from WWE.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Why Do People Build Bridges?
Why Do People Build Bridges?
During the 20th century, we see many bridges that are under construction.
There are different reasons why people build bridges, and there are also different
types of bridges. There are lots of famous bridges all around the world, like
brooklyn bridge, Golden Gate Bridge and Auckland Harbour bridge.
There are different reasons why people build bridges, and there are also different
types of bridges. There are lots of famous bridges all around the world, like
brooklyn bridge, Golden Gate Bridge and Auckland Harbour bridge.
There are lots of reasons why people build bridges and one of them is to make
the transport easier and safer for the people that live across the river.
As I said earlier there are many reasons why people build bridges: You don’t
need to use a punt just to cross the river, you can cross the river faster and safer.
Some of the bridges is made so cars can go through and boats can go under the
bridge. Also some bridges is not in the water some of them use to go above the
the transport easier and safer for the people that live across the river.
As I said earlier there are many reasons why people build bridges: You don’t
need to use a punt just to cross the river, you can cross the river faster and safer.
Some of the bridges is made so cars can go through and boats can go under the
bridge. Also some bridges is not in the water some of them use to go above the
There are lots of use of bridges and one of them is to go above the railways.
It is much safer than making a crossing for trains and cars. Using bridge is
much faster, instead of going around, you can just put a bridge so you don’t have
to travel for a long time. Bridges above the railway has a tunnel at the bottom of
it so the train can go through it is much safer and faster for the vehicles to go
above the railway.
It is much safer than making a crossing for trains and cars. Using bridge is
much faster, instead of going around, you can just put a bridge so you don’t have
to travel for a long time. Bridges above the railway has a tunnel at the bottom of
it so the train can go through it is much safer and faster for the vehicles to go
above the railway.
Using a punt is like trying to put a yarn in a needle. It is really hard and there
is a chance that you might fall over and drowned. Sometimes punts are not
available, if its broken and also you need permission to fix it because it is
from the government. Using bridge is much safer and convenient than using a punt
or a boat to go across the river. If there were no bridge it is impossible to go across
the river with your car or vehicle.
is a chance that you might fall over and drowned. Sometimes punts are not
available, if its broken and also you need permission to fix it because it is
from the government. Using bridge is much safer and convenient than using a punt
or a boat to go across the river. If there were no bridge it is impossible to go across
the river with your car or vehicle.
We see a lots bridges that are under construction. There are different reasons
why people build bridges. In USA there is one of the famous bridge and it is the
Golden Gate Bridge, it is a suspension bridge and it is made to hold the loads
of cars and other vehicles.
For reading we've been writing an explanation about Why people build bridges? and what it can be use for? There are lots of reasons why people bridges. The main purpose is, it is much easier and faster than using a punt or a boat. Did you know that bridges are not only used to cross water? It can also be used to go above the railway, it is much safer than making a crossing for cars and trains.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Kaimanawa Horse - PMI Chart
Today for reading we've been reading a story about wild horses, and then we need to search up one of the wild horse in New Zealand. Wild horse is cheap but it is not for sale, because the population of them this day is only 300. PMI chart is Plus, Minus, Interesting, plus is what is good about the horse, minus is what bad about the horse and lastly interesting, it is like facts about it.
Tech Reflection - Art
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Kiwi Can
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Exponents - Power
Today for maths we are learning how to solve exponents also called powers. First we solve 18 question about exponents and powers, I solve everything but I got two wrong. To solve the exponents it is really easy you just need to know your timetables. The first question is asking what is 5 to the power of 3, the first one is 5 x 5 = 25 then the second one is 25 which is from the 5 x 5, it is going to be 25 x 5 = 125 and that's your answer it is really easy. If the power is 2 it is called squared and if the power is 3 it is called cubed.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Hippo Sandal
Today for reading our group read a story about Horseshoes. After we finished reading and answered the question we move of to the making DLO. For this activity I need to make the DLO that shows labeled Hipposandals. One of the thing that I learnt was Hippo is the Latin for Horse.
Reading - Labelling
Today for reading we've been learning how to label different pages of the book. My group is Pakatoa and we worked with Ponui, we use teamwork so that we can find as many as possible in one page and label them. It was easy to find the labels because we worked collaboratively and we communicate to each other.
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